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Security Issues Session Summary

From the March 2017 ACT Meeting Work Group Breakouts

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​Overview: ACT's Security Issues Work Group has been focusing on resources to help agents and our distribution channel best understand and implement cyber-security tools—especially for small to midsize agencies. The work group chairs are Steve Aronson (Aronson Insurance) and George Robertson (Rockingham Insurance).

The work group has created a number of tools already, which can be found on the Security & Privacy web page, including a Security Issues Pocket Guide and Cyber Hygiene Toolkit. The work group now wants to determine which other resources our industry needs, and this breakout was designed to get meeting attendees' input to help drive our strategy and tactics.  

Attendees were given a list of more than 25 potential topics from which to recommend the top areas the ACT Security Issues Work Group should focus their attention. Below is a summary of the breakout direction. 

Recommended work group focus topics (not listed by urgency):

  1. Periodic risk assessments

  2. Disaster plan

  3. Update business-class router with subscription and rules

  4. Update current AMS and rating software

  5. Update operating system

  6. NY Dept. of Financial Services cyber-security regulations—agency resources to cope

  7. Password management

  8. Agency education and training

  9. Encryption of portable devices

  10. Hosted secure exchange/email

  11. Secure email application

  12. Router logs—administration/review processes 

 NEXT STEPS for the ACT Security Issues Work Group

  • The chairs of the Security Issues Work Group, Steve Aronson and George Robertson, will meet with Ron Berg to review the breakout takeaways.

  • The full work group will then be pulled together to review this input and determine the top focus goals for the remainder of 2017 and into 2018.

FROM THE EDITOR: Thanks to Steve Aronson and George Robertson for acting as scribes. Interested in joining this work group? Simply send an email to 

​127 South Peyton Street
Alexandria VA 22314
​phone: 800.221.7917
fax: 703.683.7556

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